Contents of N1/2015

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Contents of № 1' 2015


Methodical support of the financial management instruments of retail trade organizations under conditions of strategy implementation of innovative development
Filobokova L.Y., Dr.Sc. (Econ), professor, MSTU n.a. N.E. Bauman
Abstract. The target setting of financial management in the ensuring of implementation of economic strategy and financial policy of an economic subject, functioning as well as in the sphere of retail trade circulation. In modern conditions takes place a transformation to an innovation-reproductive character development, which is provided only under conditions of management, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of economic systems and has the tools to count, measure, compare the potential of  systems, taking 
science-based decisions with regard to the state and industry specifics. The article is dedicated to the rationale for the methodological support of financial management in relation to the sphere of the retail commodity circulation.
Keywords: methodical provision of financial management, organization of retail trade.

1. The conception of the long-term socio-economic development of Russian Federation for the period up to the year of 2020, confirmed by the decree #1662-r of the Government of Russian Federation on November 17th, 2008.
2. Valigurskiy D. I. Organization of business activities. M: Dashkov ICA, 2012 - s.
3. Gordon J. Target competition (translated from eng.) - M: Top. 2006. - S. 368.
4. Doyle P. Management: strategy and tactics. -M.: Peter, an Electronic textbook 
5. Porter M. On Competition (translated from English). – Williams Publ. House, Moscow, 2005

Financial  management  in  crisis  times
Shestakova E.V., P.h.d. law, CEO LLC “Actual management”
Abstract. Crises occur in our country with an enviable constancy, and those companies that survived the crisis of 1998 and 2008 already know that in order to deal with the crisis it is possible to use different mechanisms: cut spending, suspend long projects, optimize the structure of the company, some companies in the crisis conditions cut prices to boost demand for the products. Possible strategies to combat the crisis are discussed in this article.
Keywords: cost reduction, crisis, increase in exchange rates, tax optimization, reducing headcount, sourcing, borrowings and loans.

1. Pfeffer A. Construction: legalize acts // Russian accountant. 2014. N 3. pp 20 - 49.
2. Sitnikova E.G., Senatorova NV, Termination of employment contract by the employer (paragraphs 1 - 6 of Part 1 of Article 81 of the Labour Code). M.: Library of "RossiyskayaGazeta", 2013. Vol. 1. 192.
3. Shestakova E.V. Labor relations and wages // SPS Consultant. 2013.
4. Medvedeva T.M. What legal person, if his bank denied a license? // Actual issues of accounting and taxation. 2014. N 5. S. 70 - 77



Development  of  a  methodological  approach  to  the  evaluation of  the  quality  of  management  in  the  public  sector
Kozhevina O., Doctor of Economics, Director of the Research and Education Center for Analysis of the Effectiveness and Performance Governance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Balunova N., PhD of Economics, Leading Researcher of the Research and Education Center for Analysis of the Effectiveness and Performance Governance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Yurchenko E., Researcher of the Research and Education Center for Analysis of the Effectiveness and Performance Governance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Abstract. Article is devoted to the issue of formation of a methodological approach to the evaluation of the quality of management in the public sector and the definition of indicators of the quality of management of public sector enterprises operating in non-competitive market conditions. The instruments of the study are polling of public sector enterprises managers, expert ranking methods, methods of economic and statistical analysis. On the basis of the results of the study was formed a model of integrated quality assessment of public sector enterprise management functioning in a non-competitive market environment.
Keywords: quality control, evaluation model, questionnaires, expert estimates, the algorithm for constructing the model estimates.

This article was prepared according to the results of research carried out at the expense of budget funds by the state task Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in 2014

1. Vinokurov, V.A. Kachestvo menedzhmenta – osnova sovremennoj upravlencheskoj paradigmy [Tekst] / V. A. Vinokurov // Menedzhment v Rossiii za rubezhom. – 2006. – № 6. – S. 9 – 19.
2. Kachestvo upravlenija [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Infomenedzhment. – URL: 
3. Tychinskaja, T.A. Kachestvo korporativnogo upravlenija kak factor vybora struktury istochnikov finansirovanija investicij [Tekst] / T.A. Tychinskaja // Izvestijaural'skogofederal'nogouniversiteta. Se-rija 3: Obshhestvennyenauki. – 2010. – T.73. – № 1. – S. 46 – 58.
4. Grishan, I.A. Kachestvennyjmenedzhment: formula uspeha v uslovijahkonkurentnogorynka [Tekst] / I.A. Grishan // Standartyikache-stvo. – 2008. –№2. – S. 60 – 61. 
5. Balunova, N.V. Issledovanie kachestva upravlenija ustojchivym razvitiemre giona s pozicij innovacionnoj dinamiki territorij [Tekst] / N.V. Balunova // «Regional'naja innovacionnajaj ekonomika: sushhnost', jelementy, problem formirovanija»: materialy plenarnogo zasedanija. Trudy PjatojVserossijskojnauchnojkonferencii s mezhdunarodnymuchastiem. – Ul'janovsk, 2014. – S. 12 – 15.
6. Kozhevina, O.V. Institucional'no-jekonomicheskie osobennosti upravlenija i monitoringa dejatel'nosti predprijatij gosudarstvennogo sektora [Tekst] / O.V. Kozhevina, N.V. Balunova, E.V. Jurchenko // Funda-mental'nye issledovanija. – 2014. – № 11. – Ch.2. – S. 388 – 392.

Project  planning  of  basic risk  management  system for  organizations  of  the real  economy  sector
Barchukov A.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor of Finance and Accounting Department, Far Eastern State Transport University (Khabarovsk)
Sokolov D.V., Phd of Economics, customer manager of OAO «Sberbank of Russia» (Khabarovsk)
Abstract. In the article is considered a method of designing a basic system of risk management, which includes the main backbone directions: characteristics, targets, tasks, principles and rules (fundamental plane); internal parties concerned and the culture of risk (organizing plane), procedures (procedure plane); documents of title (regulatory plane).
Keywords: risk-management, basis system, characteristics, targets, tasks, criterions and rules, internal parties concerned and the culture of risk, procedures, documents of title.

The  theoretical  aspects  of  forming  clusters  in  the national  economy
Rasulov N.M., PhD Economics, Senior Researcher, Tashkent State University of Economics
Abstract. The paper studies theoretical aspects of forming and developing clusters. The essence, role and place of clusters in the national economy are determined. The impact of clusters on the competitiveness of the national economy is studied. The scientific views of scientists on increasing the economy competitiveness on the basis of cluster formation are summarized.
Keywords: cluster, cluster formation, competitiveness, national economy, innovation, innovation process.

1. Porter M. E. The Competitive Advantage of Nations. - London: Macmillan, 1990 g., s.144. 
2. Usakova T.B., Barabanova A.S. I dr. Proizvodstvennie klasteri kak instrument rosta konkurentosposobnosti regiona. Vologda, ISEPTRAN, 2010g., s.107.
3. Be Yang Son. Upravlenie razvitiem tekistilnoy promishlennosti na osnove strategii formirovaniya klasterov (na materialax Respubliki Koreya i Respubliki Uzbekistan) Avtoref. diss. Na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata ekonomicheskix nauk. – T.: 2008 g., s.26.
4. Pilipenko I.V. Novaya geoekonomicheskaya model razvitiya strain: povishenie konkurentosposobnosti s pomoshyu razvitiya klasterov I promishlennih rayonov // Bezapasnost Evrazii. -2003 g., № 3, s.588.
5. Hasaev G.R., Miheev Yu.B. Klasteri: cherezpartnerstvokbudushemu // Kompaspromishlennoyrestrukturizatsii.2003 g, № 5,6. s.32.
6. Porter M. Megdunarodnaya konkurentsiya: Konkurentnie premushestva stran / Per. s V.D. Shetinina. –M.: Mejdunarodnie otnosheniya, 1993 g., s.203.
7. Mirzahalilova D.M. Povisheniya konkurentosposobnosti tekstilnoy promishlennosti Uzbekistana na osnove klasterizatsii. Avtoref. diss. Na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata ekonomicheskix nauk. –T.: 2012 g., s.17. 
8. Rasulov N.M. "Classification of economic factors operating on the operating on the organization and management of innovative processes in corporate structures." Beitragezur Entwicklung in Uzbekistan und China: Deutschland, Dresden, 2012. Pages. 68-73.



OJSC  «Rosselkhozbank» risk management in the Russian economy
Gubanov R.S., Phd Economics, Methodist Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education «Ryazan College of Technology»
Abstract. The article discusses the current problems of the occurrence of banking risks in the financial sector of the economy. The economic position of Jsc “Rosselkozbank” is determined under the conditions of financial and economic sanctions directed against Russia. Actions for the further optimization of activity of Jsc “Rosselkhozbank” are proposed on the basis of the proposed risk management algorithm.
Keywords: risk, banking risks, currency risks, threats, financial sector, the economy, the Bank.

1. Gubanov R.S. Changes in business as an identifier of risk in the economy of Russia // Russian business. 2014. № 1 (247). P. 58-63.
2. Gubanov R.S. Design cycles of production downtime in order to minimize the risk // Bulletin of the Ryazan state radio engineering University. - 2006. - № 19. - P. 166-172.
3. Gubanov R.S.  implementation of the financial policy of the enterprise in order to minimize innovative risk // Financial management. 2014. No. 1. C. 5-6.
4. Gubanov R.S.  Insurance of financial risks as a method of risk management // Financial analyst problems and resheniya. № 8. P. 31-35.
5. The main directions for the single state monetary policy for 2015 and the period 2016 and 2017 Project from 26.09.2014 // PCA guarantor
6. Kritsky O.L., Pilsner O.A. Optimization of a portfolio of financial instruments // Finance and credit 2013. No. 36. P. 35.
7. Context // Peace and policy No. 8 (95) August 2014. - P. 57.
8. Manuylenko V.V., Pleskacheva Y.U. Comprehensive assessment of the credit policy of the leading Bank of the country // Financial business 2013. (September-October), No. 5. P. 47.
9. Martynenko N.N., Lyalikova EJ Providing liquidity to banks in the establishment of the Bank of Russia as of the mega-regulator // Banking 2013. No. 10 (283). P. 71.
10. Left 26 kopecks // RBC daily 30 September 2014 No. 181 (1956), P. 9.
11. Report on the development of the banking sector
12. Under penalties of Japan were Sberbank and VTB // October 4, 2014.
13. The government is preparing to "plan B" // RBC daily, September 26, 2014 No. 179 (1954).
14. Tatarinova L.V. Criteria for evaluation of financial stability of the commercial Bank with the position of the subject composition of the market // proceedings of the Irkutsk state economic Academy (Baikal state University of Economics and law) (electronic magazine) 2013. No. 3. P. 7.

Risks  of  banking  activity at the modern stage of economic development
Borisova O.V., Ph.D. Economics, Associate Professor of Financial management, FSFEI VPO «Financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation»
Maklakova T.R., Student of the Faculty of Management, FSFEI VPO «Financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation»
Abstract. This article explores the risks of banking activities in the process of transformation of the Russian economy under the conditions of sanctions introduction. As a result are revealed factors and causes, stimulating the growth of the corresponding types of banking risks.
Keywords: risks, types of risks, banking, the impact of the crisis on banking, factors affecting risks.

1. Kapitonov I.Russian strategy for the protection of the financial sector from Western sanctions / Institute of public service and administration RANEPA. - 2014. 
2. Kovtubenko D. Sanctions action: Moody's downgrades Russia’s rating  [Electronic resource]/ D. Kovtubenko A. Shtykina, Y. Zabavina // RBC. - 20.10.2014.URL: 
3. Kuvshinov O. Sanctions against Russia increase the risks of political instability [Electronic resource]/ O. Kuvshinova, E. Kravchenko// Vedomosti. - 31.07.2014. URL:
4. Kudrin predicted the resignation of the government of the Russian Federation// Exchange leader 17.10.2014. URL:
5. Malyh N.I., Prodanova N. A. Diagnostics the risk of bankruptcy of the enterprise // Audit and financial analysis. 2012. No. 4. - 128-136 p. 
6. The ranking of industries by the share of overdue debt [Electronic resource]// RIA rating. - 17.04.2014. URL:
7. Russia in search of measures to stabilize the economy and Finance. // International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development. 23.11.2014. URL:
8. The Russian banking system stands at the crossroads [Electronic resource]// Finam. - 17.10.2014. URL:
9. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: official website. - Mode of access: URL:
10. Yavlinsky made for the return Kudrin in the government [Electronic resource]// Vedomosti. - 13.12.2014. URL:

Methods of construction of liquidity rating of commercial banks
Abdullayev A.Ya., PhD Economics, Jizzakh Polytechnic institute, Uzbekistan
Annotation. Article is devoted to the method of construction of a liquidity rating of functioning commercial banks. In the article is analyzed the probability of an event which consists that commercial bank during a certain interval of time will be liquid to function taking into account influence of random factors, i.e. regularly and in due time to carry out all functions. The special attention is given to questions of a problem of working out and introduction of a method of a rating of liquidity of commercial banks in Uzbekistan. By working out and research of the given problem methods and receptions of probability theory, the mathematical statistics and econometric modeling are used. The author comes to conclusion, that in article the technique of forecasting of a financial condition of commercial bank according to which liquidity of commercial bank is defined by probability of the event, consisting is proved what to be during a certain interval of time in the near future will be liquid to function taking into account influence of casual parameters. By imitation of parameters of the equations there is a possibility of monitoring, the control and the forecast of a rating of liquidity of commercial bank in the near future. By results of research are prepared corresponding prognosis recommendations and offers for the persons making of the decision. It will help to prepare better bank system for new calls.
Keywords: probability, liquidity, the forecast, factor, a rating, imitation, experiment.

1. Baltensperger Ernst. Alternative Approaches to the Theory of the Banking Firm // Journal of Monetary Economics (January), 1971.
2. Kane Edward J.  and Malkiel Burton G. Bank Portfolio Allocation. Deposit Variability, and the Availability Doctrine // Quorterly Journal of Economics (February), 1965.
3. Klein Michael A. A Theory of the Banking Firm // Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (May), 1971.
4. Pale David H. On the Theory of Financial Intermediation // Journal of Finance (June), 1971.
5.  Sealy С.W.  and Lindlcy J.T.  Inputs, Outputs, and Theory of Production and Cost at Depository Financial Institutions // Journal of Finance (September), 1977.
6. Sealy C.W. Deposit Rate Setting, Risk Aversion, and the Theory of Depository Financial Intermediates // Journal of Financе (Dеcеmber), 1980.
7.  Sheshukova T.G., Katz E.B. Rating an estimation of a financial condition of commercial banks. - Perm, 2001.
8. Karimskij A.M., etc. Ratings in economy: methodology and practice. - М: the Finance and statistics, 2005. pp. 240.
9. Dr. Gerhard Tintner. Handbuch der okonometrie. – Springer-Verlag. Berlin: Gottingen, Heidelberg. 1960. pp. 381. 
10. Kremer N.S. Ekonometrika. - М: JUNITI-DIANA, 2002. pp. 311. 
11. The directory on the applied statistics/under the editorship of E.Llojda, U.Ledermana, a translation from English/under the editorship of S.A.Ajvazjana and J.N.Tjurina. - М: the Finance and statistics, 1990.   
12.  Neylor Т., 1975.  Machine imitating experiments with models of economic systems. М.: the World. pp.500. 
13.  Afanasev M. J, Bagrinovskij K.A., Matyushok V.M. Prikladnye of the research problem of operations. - М: INFRA-M, 2006. pp. 352.

Mandatory  actuarial  valuation
Soldatov G., Head of Special Projects of the National Rating Agency, Managing Partner of Ltd «Laeto Consulting» Litvinov Al., Responsible Actuary of Central Bank of Russia, General Director of “LaetoConsulting”
Abstract. In 2014 the reporting requirements of insurance companies in Russia changed, as well as the law itself. The mandatory actuarial valuation appeared. What is the mandatory actuarial valuation, and what does it mean? How to choose a specialist for actuarial valuation? Who is a responsible actuary? How much does this service cost? These and other questions are answered by the authors – experts with great experience in the insurance market.
Keywords: mandatory actuarial valuation, actuarial valuation, the actuary, insurance actuaries, guild of actuaries, responsible actuary, calculation of reserves, property insurance, assets, reserves, IBNR, insurance, № 51n, № 32n, № 293-FZ, actuarial opinion, the registry of responsible actuaries.



Outlook  for  the  world  economy  and  financial  markets
Gromov A., economist
Annotation. This article is an overview of the outlook for the main economic blocs and financial markets. The key points are the description of the causes and scenarios, under which the expected increase in the US dollar rate does not materialize, a forecast about the effectivness of the programm of quantitative easing of the ECB, problems induced by the programm of quantitative easing on the financial markets. The outlook is based on financial mass media resources.
Keywords: quantitative easing, currency markets, “decoupling”, commodities markets, “bubbles”.

1. Website «Bloomberg».
2. Website newspapers «Financial Times».
3. Website of the magazine "The Economist".



Financial equilibrium management tactics3. Website of the magazine "The Economist".



Financial equilibrium management tactics
Stanislavchik E.N.Stanislavchik E.N.

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